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Neurovirtual participates in annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 29, 2019


For the 12th  consecutive year, Neurovirtual was present at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), one of the world’s premier meetings of the sector that gathered more than 14,000 medical specialists and researchers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The event was an opportunity to share informative seminars on neuroscience, including unpublished studies by international researchers and discussions on current research. Additionally, medical device manufacturers unveiled new products in the area of neurological disorders.

Neurovirtual, represented by account manager Sergio Solis, featured the BWIII EEG Plus ICU/LTM brain monitoring device as well as the ambulatory EEG device, the new BWMini EEG. Both work with the most user-friendly and customizable software available on the market, a fact recognized by the physicians who stopped at the booth. The experts were also impressed with the appearance of the devices, and even more so with its features and functionality.


Because they are present in EEG laboratories around the world, Neurovirtual continuously invests in a software platform that brings together the best technologies and resources, without ever charging its customers for future software upgrades or technical support.

The highlighted lectures in the event’s programming were: “Clinical EEG: Focal, Diffuse, and Epileptiform Abnormalities in Adults,” by Katherine Noe MD, PhD, FAAN; “Update in Epilepsy,” by Joseph Sirven MD, FAAN; “Clinical Epilepsy III: Advanced (Status, Beyond AED, Video EEG),” by William Tatum DO, FAAN; “Video EEG: Name That Spell,” by Amy Crepeau MD; “Critical Care EEG Monitoring,” by Suzette LaRoche MD, FAAN; “Using Sleep Medicine to Help Solve Difficult Neurologic Cases,” by Bradley Vaughn MD, FAAN; and “Disordered Sleep in Common Neurologic Diseases: Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, and Parkinson’s Disease,” by LynnMarie Trotti MD.

Today, AAN represents more than 36,000 members and is recognized worldwide for its hard work and dedication to delivering the highest quality patient-centered care. This year marked the 71st edition of the event, and the 2020 meeting is already scheduled to take place in Toronto, Canada.

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