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Neurovirtual highlights its participation in the XXXI Mexican Annual Congress of Pediatric Neurology

May 26, 2023

The participation of Neurovirtual in the XXXI Mexican Annual Congress of Pediatric Neurology, which took place from May 16th to 21st, 2023 in Querétaro, was remarkable. Key representatives from Neurovirtual were present at the event, including Andrea Parra, Latin America Sales Manager, Joseph Pardo, Commercial Engineer, and Diego Barrientos, Commercial Assistant for Mexico. The company showcased a wide range of equipment, including the BWIII EEG Plus ICU Brain Monitor, BWIII EEG Plus, BWMini Ambulatorio EEG, and BWIII EEG. However, the most noteworthy equipment was the BWIII EEG PLUS and the BWMini EEG.

The congress addressed various relevant topics, including the use of multichannel integrated amplitude EEG in the diagnosis of neonatal seizures. This topic was coordinated by Dr. María Cristina Salazar Herrera from Mexico, with the participation of Dr. Efraín Olivas Peña, also from Mexico. Another noteworthy topic was the autolimited epileptic syndromes with onset in neonates and infants, coordinated by Dr. Matilde Ruiz García and Dr. Adriana Carlota Cantú Salinas from Mexico, with Dr. Courtney J. Wusthoff from the United States as a guest lecturer.

The congress also included sessions aimed at parents and teachers, including in-person and virtual courses, both provided at no cost. These initiatives reflect the commitment of the Mexican Society of Pediatric Neurology to support the dissemination of high-level knowledge in the field of pediatric neurological disorders.

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